Hampton Roads Sanitation District - Atlantic WWTP Influent Screen Expansion

GWU Thurston Hall Renovation

GWU Thurston Hall Renovation

Alexandria Renew Four Mile Pump Station

Alexandria Renew Four Mile Pump Station

CSU Long Beach Horn Center and University Art Museum Renovation

CSU Long Beach Horn Center and University Art Museum Renovation

COEVAL (14th & Wabash Towers)

COEVAL (14th & Wabash Towers)

Clovis Community Medical Center, Phase B Expansion & Renovation

Clovis Community Medical Center, Phase B Expansion & Renovation

Clovis Community Medical Center, Phase A

Clovis Community Medical Center, Phase A

Clovis Community Medical Center Sequoia Building

Clovis Sequoia Building

Clovis Community Medical Center New Patient Tower

Clovis Community Medical Center New Patient Tower

Burke Warehouse